MCE Launches Cannabis Tincture Line

We ensure our customers get a great tincture by starting with our own high quality cannabis inputs and all organic carrier oils. Our house made tinctures are full spectrum extracts suspended in organic coconut MCT oil. The cannabis we use to make our oil comes from our own lovingly grown flower and local responsibly grown hemp. At 1mg cannabinoids per individual drop, these tinctures are super easy to accurately dose and an ideal starting point for those looking to discover the therapeutic benefits of cannabis products without the worry of overdosing. If you’re a seasoned cannabis consumer and know your threshold, tinctures are are great way to get you right into your sweet spot without the uncertainty of whether you took enough or too much. We also offer CBD, CBG and a 1:1 cannabinoid blend of CBD:CBG that can be purchased without a med card. We are proud to offer a strain specific ACDC tincture at 25:1 parts CBD:THC which has been used successfully by staff and customers for help with sleep, GI issues and as an antispasmodic. Our THC RSO blend tincture has been a customer favorite particularly for those seeking relaxation. Look for other blends too like CBD:THC and strain specific THC tinctures. We aim to provide an option that would be suitable for everyone.


Leaning Tower of Jars.